Saturday 30 March
All Saints, Wragby
Find a Teddy at home and make a parachute for him. This can be easily done by attaching a handkerchief, tea-towel, or hand-towel to his arms (paws!) with pieces of string. Bring Teddy along on Saturday 8th April at 2pm. An expert ‘Jump Master’ will then launch the Teddy-bears from the top of the newly repaired tower roof of All Saints, Wragby (the tallest building for miles around). The Teddy-bears will be timed, the winners being those that take the longest to float to the ground.
There will be prizes in the Adult, Under 18 and Under 11 categories. (Please could children be accompanied by an adult carer.)
For more information please contact Revd. Mark Holden on 857825.
Great Easter Egg Hunt
Children’s Easter Film
Saturday 30th March
2.30 – 3.00 All Saints, Wragby
Great Fun for Under 11’s.
There will be an Easter Egg Hunt in the church, with a prize for everyone.
This will be followed by a short film suitable for children Under 11 about the real meaning of Easter.
Adult carers will need to stay with children.
For more information please contact Revd. Mark Holden on 857825