
WeddingYou will always remember your wedding! It is a milestone in your life and should be a joyful time. It is also a solemn commitment, publicly declared before God and witnesses, as well a time for celebration and feasting. We remember that Jesus shared in wedding celebrations in Cana and turned water into wine.

We know that marriage has been devised to be a lifelong creative relationship; for the creation and rearing of children and to provide mutual support for husband and wife; support through whatever life may hold in store be it sickness, health, good times or bad.

We should love you to marry at one of our churches. It is however necessary for you by law to live in the parish, to be on the electoral roll of the church, or have a family connection to it. Do browse amongst the photographs of our churches and see the potential setting for weddings. 

If you wish to be married within our Group of Parishes just contact the Rector.